I 864表格

The instructions explain which forms are required and how to. Web All immigrant visa applicants in the categories below must present a contractually binding Affidavit of Support Form I-864 signed by the petitioner.

注意 移民局只是取消i 944公共负担表格 并未取消i 864经济担保书

Web The Affidavit of Support forms have step-by-step instructions for completion by the financial sponsor or joint sponsor.

. Web Use the HHS Poverty Guidelines to complete Form I-864 Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the INA. Web 美国 移民 局今年公布有关经济担保书 I-864表的新规定AffidavitofSupportRegulation. For the 48 Contiguous States the District of Columbia Puerto Rico the US.

Web i-864为外籍人士出具的经济担保书其主要目的是为了证明移民受益人有足够的经济保障且在进入美国之后不会成为美国社会的公共负担 i-864经济担保书是所有亲. Web I-864 Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the INA. Virgin Islands Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

These poverty guidelines are effective beginning Mar. Most family-based immigrants and some employment-based immigrants use this form to show they have.

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